Live Feed
Clocktower Gallery, New York
Transparent acrylic feeding platform measuring 33 x 58 in., pre-recorded video projection measuring 170 x 115 in., live feed sound system
A wall for a projected video image was constructed parallel to, and 6 feet in front of three existing windows along the rear wall of the exhibition space. This divided the room into two spaces, one large front room for viewing the projected image, and a small back room behind the wall with access to the windows. The video projection showed silent pre-recorded video footage of a seagull on the transparent acrylic feeding platform, suspended out the center window behind the projection wall. This footage was shot through this transparent platform from below. During the projection, live seagulls could potentially continue to feed. A microphone installed outside each of the two flanking windows, transmitted the live sound of the seagulls inside the exhibition space. This gave the effect of synchronisation with the projected image. When live seagulls were not feeding the sound of the city was transmitted.